Decided to help people and also animals in need


Before Christmas the Company Chemosvit Fibrochem a.s. decided to help people and also animals in need.

We visited the Centre of Social Services “Home under the Tatra“ in Batizovce and donated their clients Prolen®Socks made of Prolen®Yarn and fabrics and yarns for their occupational therapy workshops. We brought socks, yarms and fabrics to the Children’s Home in Poprad and the Institute of Christ the High Priest in Zakovce which helps homeless, persons released from prisons, young people at the end of institutional care, drug addicts, the disabled, young girls and mothers with children who ended up on the street or were abused.  For the dogs from the Urban Shelter for Dogs we prepared from Prolen cushions so they would feel as warm as the people who wear thermowear from our yarn.  We as well devoted the Artistic School on Letna Street and the Stella kindergarden in Poprad materials for their art work.

This year we would like to address further kindergardens in Poprad and Svit and Homes of Social Services with physically and mentally disabled children and adults in the vicinity of our Company.

We are very glad that this way we could  make all these people smile and that our socks will  heat them up in frosty days.


Chemosvit Fibrochem Team

Creative Lessons with Prolen at Letna Basic School in Poprad



Letter of Thanks