Help for Ukraine


Even in the most challenging situations, such as the military conflict in Ukraine, Chemosvit Fibrochem s.r.o. helps. We cannot imagine how difficult it is for people to wake up in fear and despair, without the possibility to influence the current situation. How frustrating it is to lose all your possessions and leave your homes in fear for your life and the lives of your families. Fear for their health and their lives is forcing people to leave their homes with only the bare essentials packed in one bag. Try to imagine what it is like to pack your whole life into one bag, what it is like to explain to your children that they cannot take all their toys and have to go off into the unknown without knowing where their final destination will be or whether they will ever return to their country. The current situation in Ukraine brings with it many tragic events, and people who have lost everything that was precious to them suddenly do not even have the necessary things to cover their basic necessities of life.  The employees and management of Chemosvit Fibrochem s.r.o. are not indifferent to the fate of these people and it motivated us to provide them with all possible assistance to enable them to provide at least the basic necessities, whether to defend their homeland or to survive their beginnings in a new location. For the people affected by the war, Chemosvit Fibrochem s.r.o. provided assistance in the form of sleeping bags and thermal clothing, socks, as well as in the form of financial help. We  care what is happening in Ukraine and we try to help wherever it is needed. We empathetically feel how these people need our support and help and it does not leave us cold. We stand on the side of the people and want to allow them the best possible inclusion in our society, so that the whole world can see that Slovak are people who always know how to stand on the side of the weak who need help.